Anti-Semitism Back on French TV

Excuse me, “anti-Zionism” or “antisionisme,” as they call it. You remember France 2 and the Al Dura Scandal – when the French television network was caught lying about the hoax surrounding the supposed shooting of young Mohammed al Dura by Israeli soldiers? Well, the French network is at it again, producing a “documentary” on the “possibility” of Palestinian statehood that, according to Phillipe Karsenty, the man who helped unmask the Al Dura hoax in the first place, is even worse than the original calumny. Karsenty has written about this “doc” for the JSS website – “Acting Now Against the Nauseating Propaganda of France 2” (link in French, primitive translation mine).


The execrable French mainstream media (even worse than ours) has struck back at Phillippe here. This link is in English. By the way, for those who don’t know, Karsenty is running for the French Parliament. He would be one of the sole, sane voices.


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