Muslim Soldier Granted Conscientious Objector Status Now AWOL

Last month I reported here at PJM about Army PFC Nasser Abdo and the Secretary of the Army’s decision to grant Abdo conscientious objector status because the Muslim soldier claimed under Islamic law he couldn’t participate in a war where he would be asked to kill other Muslims (killing non-Muslims is apparently halal). His honorable discharge from the Army was delayed, however, after charges were filed against him after child pornography was found on his government-issued computer.


But the Associated Press now reports that PFC Abdo has been AWOL since the July 4th weekend after failing to report back to Fort Campbell and his 101st Airborne unit:

The Army says a Muslim soldier from Fort Campbell who won conscientious objector status but then was charged with possessing child pornography has gone AWOL.

Spokesman Rick Rzepka said Wednesday that Pfc. Naser Abdo has been absent without leave since the July 4th weekend.

Abdo, a 21-year-old infantry soldier, had applied for conscientious objector status last year saying his Muslim beliefs prohibited his service in any war.

Army officials recommended he be discharged as a conscientious objector but that was delayed by the criminal charge. Rzepka said a hearing last month recommended Abdo face a court-martial on the pornography charge.

Abdo’s attorney James Branum said his client is safe but declined to say more about his status.

Abdo now also faces additional charges related to being AWOL.


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