Weiner, women’s rights, and gun control

From Anthony Weiner’s House site:

The National Reproductive Rights Action League (NARAL) praised him for his vigilant efforts on behalf of a woman’s right to choose. He has won perfect scores from our nation’s largest environmental groups. And Congressman Weiner was given the “honor” of a grade of “F” from the National Rifle Association.


Weiner’s endorsed by the Brady Campaign. This means that Weiner supports a woman’s “right to choose” when it comes to ending a pregnancy, but does not support her right to choose when a rapist wants to end her life.

Weiner supports his president, Obama, who recently told Israel to return to the 1967 borders that existed before they fought off Arab armies on all three borders.

Weiner’s allegedly Jewish, but his actions align him with anti-Semitism and support for the most effective means to prepare for government-sponsored genocide. (Well, he married a Muslim, after all. Men sometimes do interesting things when led around by their…um…well, it’s eponymous.)


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