The (Richard) Dreyfuss Case at CPAC

To the amazement of many, I have been squiring Richard Dreyfuss around CPAC. Most assume him to be a Hollywood ultra-liberal, which Richard decidedly is not. What he is is hard to describe but – better to let him explain on the Poliwood segment I shot with him here at the Marriott Wardman Pk that will be posted shortly on PJTV. He’s a libo-conservo-radical-middle-of-the-roader or something like that, in his own parlance. Anyway we’ve known each other since the making of The Big Fix, which he starred in and I wrote. That was 33-years ago, as the otherwise terrific Martha Zoller was unkind enough to say on air, when she interviewed the two of his together on Radio Row. In any case, after the initial shock, Richard appears to have won over even the most hard-bitten conservatives with his Dreyfuss Initiative. He also apologized formally on PJTV for remarks he made regarding Dick Cheney. Good job.



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