Mastermind of World Trade Center bombing to be "transferred" to Egypt?

You know the old expression “It’s always worse than you think”?  In that department, anyway, the Obama administration is the gift that keeps on giving.

I thought a line had been crossed when sheriffs showed up at midnight to bundle away a man who had made an anti-Islamic  movie that embarrassed the President. Then there was the murder of our Ambassador and three other Americans in Libya: the administration’s response: blame Romney, apologize for the “hurt the religious feelings of Muslims.”


Will there ever be a last straw for the MSM that is acting as Obama’s press corps? Is there anything Obama could do that would make them say “Enough!” and stand up for America? What would it take?  How about this: the announcement that the Obama administration is considering transferring the “Blind Sheikh” Omar Abdel Rahman, mastermind of the first World Trade Center bombing, to Egypt “for humanitarian and health reasons.” Incredulous?  Then you underestimate the Islamophilc nature of the Obama administration.

The Blaze has the breaking story: “The U.S. State Department is currently in negotiations with the Egyptian government for the transfer of custody of Omar Abdel-Rahman, also known as “the Blind Sheikh,” for humanitarian and health reasons, a source close to the the Obama administration told The Blaze.”

This isn’t a “release, the Department of Justice told The Blaze, Oh, no: merely a transfer the the Muslim Brotherhood controlled country where the Sheikh is regarded as a hero.

Here’s more:

 The Blind Sheikh is currently serving a life sentence in American prison for his role in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, but the newly-elected Islamist government in Egypt has been actively petitioning his release.  Many have pinpointed a cause of last week‘s unrest in in the country to be protests over the Blind Sheikh’s release – not an anti-Islam YouTube video.


Readers interested in finding out more about the Blind Sheikh and his murderous activities should read Andy McCarthy’s Willful Blindness: A Memoir of the Jihad. Then they should get his new ebook, Spring Fever: The Illusion of Islamic Democracy, which goes on sale tomorrow.



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