Breast, Bottle and Sanctimommy Insanity


Do real women actually spend their social media time “bottle-shaming”? Apparently some do, and it’s pretty lame.

Last weekend, HuffPo picked up on the story of one model, Coco Rocha, who was “bottle-shamed” after posting a photo on Instagram praising GoButler’s ability to get her formula for her six-month-old baby while on vacation in Hawaii. What started out as a plug for an Internet service turned into a flame war on the evils of formula feeding versus the power of breastfeeding. Rocha was so outraged that she did a follow-up post to explain her horrible self:


Getting a lot of unwanted advice based on my last post. Not that this is anyone’s business — I loved breastfeeding Ioni for the first 5 months of her life and then one day my milk went dry. It happens to every mom at different times. She’s been on formula for a few weeks now and seems to be doing just fine. In the last 4 weeks she gained another 2 pounds, grew another inch and is in the 90th percentile for her age. Anyone who has a negative comment to make on the way I raise my baby will be blocked. This is not a democracy, everyone doesn’t get a say.

Why does anyone, let alone a group of complete strangers you’ve never even met, get to know your baby’s medical stats? Because we live in the world of the sanctimommy, a mommy so hardcore that she’s sure she’s doing everything better than you and has no problem telling you how to raise your own child.

And women thought they needed to worry about their mother-in-laws.


Sanctimommies reign on social media, spewing their directives from behind the safe shield of a smartphone or computer screen. They are Internet-created, movement-motivated women who have this bizarre need to justify their own parenting choices by remotely parenting the babies of the world.

Do you have a sanctimommy story?


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