Why is Our Government Protecting the Memory of a Holocaust Supporter?

I cannot remember the last time a paragraph in a news story so upset my digestive tract as this one (spotted and noted by Seith Leibsohn in The Corner), in today’s Washington Post:


As Obama met with Netanyahu, news leaked in Israel that approval had been given to construct 20 additional housing units in East Jerusalem, in the Palestinian neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah. The United States had previously objected to the project, which would be built on the site of the Shepherd Hotel, the former home of the late Haj Amin Husseini, a former mufti, or Islamic law scholar, of Jerusalem…

The author of those lines is a good reporter, Glenn Kessler.  I assume the facts are correct.  What turns my stomach is the description of the Mufti.  For Haj Amin Husseini was hardly an “Islamic law scholar.”   He was one of the Nazis’ favorite Arabs, a man who spent much of the war in Berlin working with high officials of the Third Reich (including Hitler and Eichmann), encouraging them to extend the “Final Solution” (that is, the extermination of the Jews, of which Husseini was a great enthusiast) to the Middle East.

No doubt the description of this evil man was given to Glenn Kessler by a government official who was explaining why “the United States had previously objected” to the replacement of the hotel with apartment flats.  The explanation shows that “the United States” thought it was entirely improper to tear down the former residence of a Jew hater who did everything possible to kill the Jews of the Middle East.   “The United States” evidently believes that such an action would be, shall we say, a desecration of the memory of a noted Islamic scholar.


If I knew who said that to Kessler, I’d ask Hillary Clinton to fire him.  Hell, I’ll do it anyway:  that person should be identified and removed at once.  We don’t want apologists for the Holocaust in our government.

Do we?


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