Kamala Accidentally Goes Full Transphobe

AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough

Democrats are in a bit of a pickle this year. With the polls showing that Joe Biden is headed for defeat in November, they need an issue that can motivate their base to get out to the polls and vote for the crusty old white guy who can't find his way off a stage without a GPS. Naturally, that issue is abortion because, well, that's always been the most important issue to them.


Of course, this is actually hugely problematic for them.

On Wednesday, Kamala Harris had a campaign event on "reproductive freedom" with actress Sheryl Lee Ralph, which was full of cringy moments, like this gem here:

Kamala Harris may be a lot of things, but no one actually believes her to be "one of the most capable, influential, bold, and fearless thinkers ever."

Oh, but she wasn't done.

"This human right here isn't out to connect some of us. She is here to connect all of us!" Ralph continued. "And this human being just happens to be a WOMAAAAAAANN!" 

But that wasn't even the worst part.

"Let me just tell you, you guys are gonna have to be ready for this, ready for certain language," she said. "And I say, very loudly—ovaries!" she shouted with a chuckle and, I kid you not, a slap on her knee.

"...and Fallopian Tubes!!" Harris added.

Naturally, Ralph had to join in by shouting, "Uterus!" 

"Fibroids!" Harris added, as if this was the funniest joke she'd ever heard or told.

Don't believe me? Watch the video.


Why was this funny? Are these words taboo or something? Is saying these words an act of bravery or defiance somehow? Are men walking around shouting "testicles," "scrotum," or "vas deferens" with complete immunity while women have been forced into the shadows, only able to speak about their own anatomy in whispers?

As cringeworthy as this moment was, it was yet another remarkable moment where Democrats have been forced to acknowledge the biological reality of womanhood and that women's bodies are different from men's in that they are able to carry children in order to kill them.

So, yeah. Kamala Harris's little joke about ovaries and fallopian tubes was transphobic—at least by radical leftist standards.

The truth is, despite Kamala's shouting of the word "ovaries," Democrats have largely taken the position that biology is irrelevant to womanhood. To them, "trans women are women." But there's a real problem with this because for decades, Democrats have framed abortion as an essential “women’s right,” and "trans women" can't get pregnant or have abortions because they are men. 

Frequently in the debate over transgender rights, we've seen experts claim that a "trans woman" is exactly the same as a biological woman, and if you dare to use male pronouns in reference to a "trans woman," you are committing a hate crime. 


It's quite ironic that Kamala Harris dared to link women's issues with female biology at a time when the radical left has been seeking to erase women from sports, pregnancy, and motherhood. In recent years, we've been introduced to such gender-neutral phrases as "pregnant people," with the understanding that pregnancy isn't just for women anymore because "men can get pregnant, too." 

Yet, without fail, when the discussion shifts to abortion, all that radical leftist gender theory is thrown out the window. Abortion is an exclusively women's issue with no room for debate. 

"Donald Trump doesn't trust women. I do," Joe Biden said in a campaign ad on abortion.

How can Joe Biden or any Democrat claim to trust women when on every issue but abortion, they don't even know what a woman is?


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