
Of Course Democrats Are Worried About November

AP Photo/Jason Allen

There are people on the right who don’t like Donald Trump and are convinced he’s destined to lose the 2024 election. Joe Biden’s terrible approval ratings don’t matter. The matchup polls — which currently show Trump ahead in battleground states — don’t matter. Inflation doesn’t matter. Any indicator that looks good for Trump is just a mirage, they say, because Trump “can’t win."

Many people on the left are concerned that Biden is heading toward certain defeat. There have been several liberal media personalities who have urged Biden to drop out or dump Kamala Harris just to give the ticket a boost. Even Barack Obama is reportedly nervous about the 2024 election. The left is so worried about losing the election that they’ve tried to get Trump booted off the ballot in various states and engaged in lawfare in the hopes of putting him in prison.

If that’s not evidence of the fear of Biden’s imminent defeat, I don’t know what is. Most acknowledge that if the election were held today, Trump would emerge victorious. Currently, he has the lead in all of the RealClearPolitics averages of the battleground states — all of them.

The Biden camp maintains an air of confidence. When reporters question him about the polls, Biden will simply tell the person asking him about them that he or she is looking at the wrong ones.

Democrats had a brief moment of hope when polls started to tighten after Biden’s State of the Union address, and even the anti-Trumpers on the right were boasting because they’d been predicting for some time that the polls would change once Trump secured the nomination and Biden would get stronger — because all the pollsters in the country have colluded to ensure that Trump looked good so that he would secure the nomination.

As someone who wasn’t on the Trump train for most of the 2016 presidential campaign, I remember what it was like to be convinced that Trump had no shot at winning and looking at the polls and saying, “See, Hillary is going to win in a landslide.” I remember wanting to scream in people's faces, “I told you nominating Trump was a bad idea!"

I get it, but 2024 isn’t like 2016 or even 2020. Trump’s performance in the polls is much stronger today than it was in either of those elections. I wouldn’t say that something can’t happen that could change things and boost Biden, but right now, there’s no reason to claim that Trump can’t win. 

It’s plainly obvious that Democrats are panicking about it. On Monday, famed Democrat strategist James Carville had a public meltdown because Trump is seeing a surge of support from young voters, and he made the usual apocalyptic warning.

“If they get a hold, there will be no government left, there’ll be no rights left, you’ll live under theocracy, you’ll end up in Christian nationalism,” Carville said. “But that’s alright, you little 26-year-old. You don’t feel like the election’s important to me. They’re not addressing the issues that I care about."

Carville is so nervous that he’s unhinged. So don’t pretend Trump can’t win. He can, and at the moment, he is. You better believe Democrats are worried about it.


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