Pastor Dimas Salaberrios holds a bible as he leads a prayer at a sidewalk memorial in front of Emanuel AME Church for the shooting victims at the historic black church Saturday, June 20, 2015, in Charleston, S.C. (AP Photo/David Goldman)
Barack Obama seems awfully disappointed by how Christians in Charleston have used the Charleston atrocity to glorify God from the pulpit of Emanuel AME Church instead of looking to his Bully Pulpit.
I would wager that he said more favorable things about the Brown and Martin families than those courageous relatives of the Charleston 9. And he expressed far more understanding about the reactions in Baltimore and Ferguson. Barack Obama never called rioting an “unimaginable” response to a justified police shooting; but that was his reaction to a call for Christian forgiveness.
In fact, the president got so pathetically desperate for attention this weekend that while people in Charleston were praising Jesus, he went on Marc Maron’s cult podcast and dropped an N-bomb.
There, THAT ought to get everybody’s attention!
However, it really didn’t. Even the president doing a professorial version of Snoop Dogg became a side issue, as the only speech that riveted the nation this week, about how we all ought to act as children of God, came from Rev. Norvell Goff of Emanuel AME Church.
But while Rev. Goff was assuring us that despite the darkness, because of the grace of God, “joy comes in the morning,” video was being released of the president of the United States in a Los Angeles garage assuring us that racism is in our DNA.
Ummmm, isn’t genetic destiny the basic message of… racists?
I bet Dylann Roof was into it.
But at nearly the same time the nation was awestruck by the incredible grace of what was called by the legal system in South Carolina the victim impact statement (but I like to call the Charleston Witness Statement), Barack Obama was trying to get the focus back on himself with his childish and divisive antics.
And if you think this was not absolutely calculated, you probably think that Joe Biden surprised the White House with his gay marriage proclamation, and I have a bridge to sell you—but not the one in Charleston…that ground has been claimed already.
But community organizers are confused by love-ins. Harnessing anger is their stock in trade. If you don’t have an injustice to rail against, and a target of that injustice to focus your rally on, you don’t get people in the streets holding signs and getting media coverage
Those few who have been distracted by Obama’s N-bomb are really focused on the wrong part of his speech, anyway. I mean, who cares? Other than the obviousness of his stunt, there is nothing wrong with the use of the word in the appropriate context. Getting one’s panties all in a bunch about it is not far removed from the idiots who want to ban reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in schools.
But graduates of the Alinsky school of political provocation know this usually works. At least briefly.
Democrats spent the weekend trying to get the focus back on Obama and their agenda, where they think it belongs. Congresswoman Donna Edwards on Fox News Sunday lamented that it would be a shame if all that came out of the Congress after this event was “a moment of silence,” while on Howard Kurtz’s Media Buzz, Joe Trippi lamented at the unlikelihood of any legislation coming from this.
And while the Sunday hosts were uncomfortable directly addressing concepts of Christianity (even as they broadcast the church service at Emanuel), they too tried to turn the topic to politics with the family members who were their big “gets” for the day as interview subjects.
But it was to no avail. “Today is not about politics,” came the firm answer in one form or another from all of them. And while the families of the murdered Charleston Christians meant it for the glory of God, it was unintentionally directly opposed to the agenda of Barack Obama.
Pundits on various shows in the past week have talked about Hillary Clinton’s naked attempts to keep “the Obama Coalition together.” They tick off on their list how every supposedly aggrieved group is being addressed in every Clinton speech. But the coalition needs people to feel aggrieved to stick together in the numbers required for Democrat victory. You don’t get 90 plus percent of the vote from any satisfied demographic.
And so, the Coalition must be based on division and grievance. And Dylann Roof’s agenda—along with his belief in genetic destiny—coincided with Barack Obama’s. So, the president took his shot with Marc Maron, trying to impose Dylann Roof on ALL of us, talking about the racism supposedly passed down in our DNA. (This is the president who is sure that every Muslim terrorist is a “lone wolf” who does not reflect anything other than his own twisted beliefs.)
But in the meantime, the families who had the legitimate claim to grievance—chose grace. While Barack Obama was trying to condemn us all through Dylann Roof, they called for God’s forgiveness of Dylann Roof.
“God allows what he hates, to accomplish what he loves,” Alana Simmons, granddaughter of the martyred Rev. Daniel L. Simmons, said to David Webb, (thankfully) substituting for Hannity on Monday night. And while Christians find this example awe inspiring and hope we never have to find out if our faith is that strong—God is accomplishing what he loves, despite the best efforts of Barack Obama. Unimaginable.
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