How Did Your Music Tastes Change As You Grew Older?

In partnership with the new fiction publishing platform Liberty Island, PJ Lifestyle is going to begin promoting and co-hosting a series of debates and discussions about popular culture. The goal is to figure out what works and what doesn’t so that in the future we can promote and create better fiction and culture of our own. These are public brainstorming sessions for writers and culture advocates interested in developing a more vibrant popular culture. You’re invited to submit your answers to any of these questions — or a related one of your own! — that interests you:

A) in the comments


B) Via email to PJ Lifestyle editor Dave Swindle.

C) at your blog, then let us know in the comments or via email. 

The most interesting answers may be linked, crossposted, or published at PJ Lifestyle. Also check out last week’s writing prompts: 5 Geek Questions To Provoke Debates About the Future of Sci-Fi and Fantasy and these three posts furthering the discussion:

Walter Hudson: DC Vs. Marvel: Why This DC Fanboy Believes Marvel Already Won,

Hannah Sternberg: The Bible of Buffy,

Dave Swindle: Surely, I’m Not the Only One Who Overdosed on Star Wars and Star Trek

P. David Hornik: Israeli Women, Part 4: Great Ladies of Hebrew Song

Megan Fox: Beyonce Worshipped by Fans in ‘Church of Beyism’

Hannah Sternberg: Look at Lana

Roger Kimball: Not Only My Favorite Interpreter of Bach, But Also My Favorite Pianist

Kathy Shaidle: 6 Classic Songs That Almost Didn’t Exist


What pop culture questions do you want to debate and discuss? Please leave your suggestions for upcoming Pop Culture debates also in the comments or submit via email.

Susan L.M. Goldberg: A Day in the Life of the Fest for Beatles Fans 2014



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