A Pink Sunrise Reflected in the Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Vietnam Sunrise

Mark Baird: Since it is down in the earth this is a very hard Memorial to get either a sunrise or sunset photo that shows much of the memorial. I finally went for a sunrise reflection shot that seemed to work quite well.
If you look closely I am reflected in the wall on the right side of the shot.
You’ll also notice that for a long time I challenged myself to include the Washington Monument in as many photos as I could.


Since December of 2013 PJ Lifestyle has been collecting sunrise and sunset photos from contributors, readers, and Instagram. Now we’re going to begin an effort to organize the ongoing collection. New goals:

1. Collect a sunrise from every state in the union.

2. Collect a sunset from as many countries around the world as possible.

3. After getting all 50 states’ sunrises then switch to collecting their sunsets and begin the global sunrises collection.

Updated April 2014: 4. The extraordinary submissions of Mark Baird have inspired a new collection of photographs devoted specifically to our nation’s capital. We’re going to try and organize fantastic sunrise and sunset photos from all the different monuments and scenic views.

The Washington D.C. Collection So Far:

9 Sunrises:

A Capitol Dome Sunrise 

Sunrise Reflected In the Tidal Basin


Paddling to Sunrise On the Potomac

4 Washington D.C. Sunrises Through the Cherry Blossoms

The Sun Rises Over The Spot Where Martin Luther King, Jr. Made History

A Precisely-Timed Sunrise Shot From Inside the Thomas Jefferson Memorial

2 Sunsets:

An Awe-Inspiring Blue and Pink Sunset at the Thomas Jefferson Memorial

A Soothing Orange And Blue Sunset at the Lincoln Memorial


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