Should Christians Give Christmas Back To the Pagans?


The only thing that could make this scene more ridiculous is adding Wilber the pig.

While you’re contemplating Christmas, you might want to consider which side you’re on.


No doubt you’ve heard all about the war on Christmas. Every year there’s a new battle over “holiday trees” and Christmas carols. The latest skirmish is school board meeting in Wausau, WI over new rules on “religious songs”.

While Bill O’Reilly may consider this a real attack on Christianity, I don’t think it compares to the Christian-on-Christian attacks Christmas has endured over recent years.

Do you put up a Christmas tree? Do you hang a wreath on your front door, or kiss your beloved under the mistletoe?

Christians in-the-know will tell you that December 25th is NOT Jesus’ birthday, and your Christmas tree is an idol.

The fir tree was worshiped in Rome as the same new-born god, named Baal-Berith, who was restored to life by the same serpent. A feast was held in honor of him on December 25th, observed as the day on which the god reappeared on earth — he had been killed, and was “reborn” on that day, victorious over death! It was called the “Birthday of the Unconquered Sun.” Thus, the annual custom of erecting and decorating evergreen trees was brought down to us through the centuries by the pagan Roman Catholic Church — the paganism of Tammuz and Baal, or the worship of the sun, mingled with the worship of Aesculapius the serpent. Whether erected in private homes or in churches, decorated or not, the evergreen tree is a glaring symbol of this false god.

— “Should a Christian Celebrate Christmas?


According to this same website, Christmas wreaths are also a direct descendant of the unholy marriage of paganism and the Christian church. The wreath stands for the eternal sun, also the sign of female. A stolen kiss under the mistletoe, dates back to the ancient Druids, and represents a false messiah.

The mistletoe symbolized the reconciliation between God and man. And since a kiss is the well known symbol of reconciliation, that is how “kissing under the mistletoe” became a custom — both were tokens of reconciliation. The mistletoe, being a sacred plant and a symbol of fertility, was also believed to contain certain magical powers, having been brought to earth from heaven by a mistle thrush carrying it in its toes (hence the name). It was once known as the “plant of peace,” and in ancient Scandinavia, enemies were reconciled under it (yet another reason why people came to “kiss under the mistletoe”). It was supposed to bring “good luck” and fertility, and even to protect from witchcraft the house in which it hung.

I’ve heard others go so far as to say that by bringing a tree into your home, kneeling down to put presents under it is a form of worship.


This kind of drivel is as close to reality as the ridiculous cartoon manger scene above.



Of course our traditions came from pagan roots–we came from pagan roots. Are we going to rename the days of the week, or the months of the year because most are named after pagan gods?

Why should we celebrate the birth of Jesus? Because all of heaven did:

 Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,

“Glory to God in the highest heaven,
and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

Luke 2 13-14

Why not take something that’s seeped in heathenism, and redeem it, and present it holy to God? That’s what He came for. Isn’t that the essence of what we’re celebrating?

If you lose sight of that — you might as well give it back to the pagans and save some money.


Photo credits Shutterstock/


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