The Battle for Canada Is Heating up, and Americans Need to Pay Close Attention

AP Photo/Robert Bumsted

As Americans, we’d be foolish to ignore the battle against communism taking place just north of our border. And it surely is a battle against communism.

Canadians held a “1 Million March 4 Children” on Wednesday, organized by a Muslim man named Kamel El-Cheikh. The protests are over what is called the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) program, or what most Canadians and Americans refer to as forcing gender ideology, pronoun nonsense, and mixed bathrooms on Canada’s school children.


Commie-loving leftists from various Canadian unions organized to counter what they called a “hate” protest.

FACT-O-RAMA! Marxists attack everyone who disagrees with them by calling them racists, haters, and (fill-in-the-blank)-ophobes.

To the pinkos, everyone who opposes gavaging children with gender codswallop is a “fascist.”

Speaking of fascism, Canada’s Princess, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, is actively attacking journalist/author Ezra Levant in court for writing a book called “The Libranos,” which states things His Lowness doesn’t approve of. Some call that book banning, which is about as fascist as it gets. Fidel Castro is celebrating in his hell cell as Satan makes him chew on Justin Bieber’s thong while watching reruns of Maple Leaf games and blaring Celine Dion tunes.

You can, and should, buy the book here. The price is in Canadian currency, which means, with the exchange rate, it’s almost free for Americans.

Speaking of fascism, check out Princess Trudeau as he lobs kisses at someone he appears to love like a daddy:

The “1 Million March 4 Children” protests popped up in some of Canada’s largest cities, including Montreal, Toronto, Calgary, and Alberta.



Some of the protests had to be delayed or relocated due to apparatchiks showing up to counter-protest. Trudeau’s personal Red Guard, the sally-lads of Antifa, showed up to attack Rebel News associates. Some went so far as to infiltrate the patriotic Canadian crowds and conveniently instigate violence in front of media cameras. Protestors tried to explain to the Mao-Maos that they didn’t hate the LGBTWTF crowd; they just didn’t want their young kids indoctrinated with their gender-bender, genital-chopping ideology.

Canada’s largest news outlet, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), which is roughly 69% funded by the Canadian government, dutifully went full Pravda and labeled the protests as being against “LGBTQ rights.”

This isn’t Canada’s first face-off. Truckers from across the Great White North gathered in Ottawa in 2022 to oppose COVID-19 tyranny. Many had their rigs purloined and bank accounts frozen for voicing their opinions.

Related: In 1958 Communists Had 45 Goals to Take Over the U.S. Without Firing a Shot. Here Are the Ones They’ve Already Achieved


Why should Americans care about Canada going bolshie? Communism in the Northern Hemisphere and on our border, sets a perilous precedent, especially considering Trudeau’s obsequious feelies for China’s dictator Xi Jinping. When asked which nation’s administration Trudeau admires, he bent his weak knee and licked the boot cul of China’s leading tyrant.

“There’s a level of admiration I actually have for China,” Trudeau obeisantly regurgitated. “Because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and saying ‘We need to go greenest fastest, we need to start, you know, investing in solar.’”

You can help fight the communist invasion of North America by visiting Rebel News. If they find me dead from apparently choking on poutine, it wasn’t an accident.


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