Colorado Springs Bomb Targeted Tax Preparer, Not NAACP

Barber Shop Bombing

Cornell Brooks, national president of the NAACP, delivering sermon at the New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church on Sunday, Jan. 25, 2015. Brooks was in Colorado Springs because of attempted bombing media alleged occurred at city’s NAACP office. (AP Photo/The Colorado Springs Gazette,Jerilee Bennett)


We’ve seen this story before.  The FBI has released an affidavit regarding the detonation of an explosive device in Colorado Springs.  Thaddeus Murphy has been arrested for detonating the device.  The affidavit states he was targeting a tax preparer with whom he had a serious grudge.

But you’d never know that if you read the Huffington Post or Washington Post.  If you read those and other outlets, you’d suspect that the bombing was directed at an NAACP office in the same building.  After all, Rep. John Lewis said the event “reminded him of another period” in history.

That must be the period where disgruntled idiots bomb their tax preparer’s office, right?

The story in Colorado Springs is part of a template used by the race-hustling left to stir up racial resentment.  Whenever Americans can be divided, they must be divided.  Whenever an event such as Sanford, Ferguson or Colorado Springs offers the Washington Post and other outlets the opportunity to instill fear in black Americans, the opportunity cannot be missed.

They know that a sizable portion of their readership will never learn the truthful final chapter that the NAACP was not targeted, and therefore the seeds of racial division they sowed will grow.  If 1,000 people read the original story about a bombing of an NAACP office, perhaps 100 will find out a tax preparer was targeted.  The other 900 will become more racially grieved, more racially motivated.


This is how race hustlers operate.

The object is power. The more racially polarized one segment of the American population is, the easier it is for the left to win elections and gain power.  Racial polarization pays for Al Sharpton’s limo.  Racial polarization rates of 95 percent helped President Obama win elections.

So when reporters write a phony narrative inferring a possible NAACP bombing in Colorado Springs, they are engaged in a raw political and brazenly ideological exercise.

What happens next?  Will all of the stories written with the aim of coating the events in Colorado Springs with a racial hue ever be updated to reflect the truth?  Will the reporters call John Lewis back and challenge him for crying wolf?  Will the editors caution their writers? I suspect the answer is no, no, and no.

So who are the reporters who led people down the racially inflamed path in Colorado Springs?  Here are a few.  Pay attention to whether or not they update their stories:

● Lindsey Bever at the Washington Post: Colorado Springs explosion recalls violence against NAACP.

● Cassandra Vinograd at MSNBC: FBI seeks pickup driver after explosion near NAACP in Colorado Springs.


● Matt Ferner at Huffington Post: FBI seeks pickup driver after explosion near NAACP in Colorado Springs.FBI Says Explosion Outside NAACP Colorado Springs Chapter Could Be Domestic Terrorism.

● Aaron Morrison at the International Business Times: NAACP Bombing: Racism In Colorado Springs Has Long Been A Contentious Subject For Some Local Blacks,

(h/t Michelle Malkin.)


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