Newsom is trying to become a podcast media star so he can run for president as one of those instead of as the former governor of a failing state.


Because the woke mind virus will do that to you: George Floyd death: Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer takes a knee in support of Black Lives Matter movement.

HE’S RUNNING: Newsom Calls Male Participation in Female Sports ‘Deeply Unfair,’ Highlighting Split in Democratic Party.

Governor Gavin Newsom diverged from the Democratic Party’s commitment to let transgender-identifying male athletes participate in female sports this week when he acknowledged that it was “deeply unfair” for women.

“I think it’s an issue of fairness, I completely agree with you on that. It is an issue of fairness — it’s deeply unfair,” the California Democrat said in the first episode of his new podcast. “I am not wrestling with the fairness issue. I totally agree with you.”

Newsom made the shocking admission while speaking with conservative influencer Charlie Kirk, who pressed his progressive host to step up when it comes to upholding the sanctity of women’s sports. Politico first reported on his remarks.

“I revere sports, so the issue of fairness is completely legit,” Newsom continued. “And I saw that — the last couple years, boy did I [see] how you guys were able to weaponize that issue at another level.” After Kirk challenged him on the characterization, Newsom replaced the word “weaponize” with “highlight.”

The governor has signed numerous bills into law advancing the transgender ideology in California, including legislation that bans school districts from requiring staff to notify parents in the event their child identifies as transgender.

Before Newsom’s tenure, the blue state already had a law on the books that allowed men to compete with women in college and youth sports and allowed transgender students to use school restrooms that align with their gender identity. That law was signed by the former governor, Jerry Brown, in 2014.

When does the rubber meet the road, though?

JOANNE JACOBS: Dear Colleague: Do what the Ed Department wants — or else. “Elon Musk’s slash-and-burn boys won’t be able to cut much from the U.S. Education Department, because the multi-billion-dollar items go to programs Congress has legislated, he writes. ‘Title I’s $18 billion for poor kids? Mandated. IDEA’s $15 billion for special education? Same deal. Pell Grants topping $30 billion? That’s the Higher Education Act, not some rogue educrat’s hobbyhorse.'”





I’ve been wanting Europe to spend more on its defense since high school, 40 years ago. But France expanding its nuclear umbrella to perhaps cover Ukraine…?

DEEP SPACE: NASA squeezes more life from 47-year-old Voyager probes.

Voyager 1 and 2 continue to make history every day, as they transmit data back to Earth while traveling further into deep space. But there will come a time when amassing distance is all they are capable of accomplishing. At some point, the batteries aboard each 47-year-old spacecraft will finally die, rendering the scientific probes into interstellar monuments to themselves.

However, NASA isn’t ready to say goodbye just yet, and is taking measures to get as much life out of the pair as possible. On March 5, Voyager mission engineers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in southern California confirmed they have already turned off Voyager 1’s cosmic ray subsystem experiment. NASA plans to do the same for Voyager 2’s low-energy charged particle instrument on March 24. Voyager project manager Suzanne Dodd explained cutting each program is a matter of life-or-death for both machines.

“Electrical power is running low,” Dodd said in a statement. “If we don’t turn off an instrument on each Voyager now, they would probably have only a few more months of power before we would need to declare ‘end of mission.’”



Exit question: Did Stephanopoulos offer to take a cut to his estimated $15 million annual salary to spare any of his show’s production crew?

KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEFING: If There Are Any Decent Democrats Left, They’re Awfully Quiet. “The dregs of humanity populate the upper tiers of the Democratic Party and its propaganda wing in the mainstream media. Mother Teresa would have struggled to like the bitter, confrontational idiots in the Dem upper echelon.”