I Question the Premise

“Just six months into his second term, Obama is fresh out of ideas,” Dana Milbank writes in the Washington Post:

Yes, but this also risks sending the signal that, just six months into his second term, Obama is fresh out of ideas. There’s little hope of getting Congress to act on major initiatives and little appetite in the White House to fight for bold new legislation that is likely to fail. And so the president, it seems, is going into reruns.


But hasn’t it been nothing but reruns from the very beginning? (And didn’t the press, not the least of which, the Post itself, enable those reruns in 2008 by repeatedly comparing the tyro spokeperson for the Office of the President-Elect with JFK, FDR, Lincoln and other presidents who governed during tumultuous events? )

Beyond mixing FDR’s corporatism with Al Gore’s radical environmentalism, Woodrow Wilson’s domestic fascism, and Al Sharpton’s punitive view of race relations, what ideas — or at least, what new ideas — does Mr. Obama and his team of advisors have?


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