Obama: Militantly Secular 363 Days a Year

The Obama administration goes out of its way to remove any whiff of Christianity from the President’s speeches, events and policies.  (Islam, of course, gets different treatment)  Deliberate outreach is directed toward atheists.  The President’s rare church attendance seems only to follow media questions.


The policy has paid off, sort of.   Obama is way behind in the polls among regular church attendees.  The non-religious give overwhelming support to Obama.  The problem is that America remains a religious nation.  The administration’s policies also conflict with religious values and intrude on religious liberty – so much so that Obama may lose Wisconsin and Pennsylvania because of it.

The solution?  Stop being so secular.


The Obama campaign on Saturday quietly released a web video featuring President Obama talking about his faith. The video includes various faith leaders describing how there is moral, even Biblical, backing for his policies on issues ranging from higher taxes for top earners to health care to the auto bailout.

Most theologies welcome even last moment conversions.  But they have to be sincere.




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