
Government to Toss 3.6 Million Obese Medicare Patients on Wegovy Treadmill For ‘Heart Health’

AP Photo/LM Otero

This will probably clear the nation’s heart troubles up tout de suite.

No way is this going to create more public health problems than it solves — not when the demigod “experts” are on the case!

Via CNBC (emphasis added):

More than 3 million people with Medicare could be eligible for coverage of Wegovy now that the blockbuster weight loss drug is also approved in the U.S. for heart health, according to an analysis released Wednesday by health policy research organization KFF.

But some eligible beneficiaries could still face out-of-pocket costs for the highly popular and expensive drug, KFF said. Certain Medicare prescription drug plans may also wait until 2025 to cover Wegovy.

Medicare’s budget could be strained as more plans cover the costs of Wegovy. The program’s prescription drug plans could spend an additional net $2.8 billion if just 10% of the eligible population, an estimated 360,000 people, use the drug for a full year, according to KFF.

Under new guidance issued in March, Medicare Part D plans can cover Wegovy for patients as long as they are obese or overweight, have a history of heart disease and are specifically prescribed the weekly injection to reduce their risk of heart attacks and strokes. The Food and Drug Administration approved Wegovy for that purpose in March.

KFF said that applies to 3.6 million, or 7%, of total beneficiaries*, based on 2020 data. That group also makes up 1 in 4 of the 13.7 million Medicare patients who are obese or overweight. Those numbers may be higher based on more recent data, the nonprofit group said.

Note the lack of interest in figuring out why 7% of Medicare beneficiaries, at a minimum, meet both the criteria of being overweight/obese and having a history of heart disease in the first place.

Surely, though, none of that is the medical or food industry’s doing, and we should all go along slavishly obeying their edicts.

…The year is 2030

The public treasury is drained. Scores of obese Wegovy patients — who now own nothing but are waiting for the promised accompanying happiness promised by Klaus Schwab to arrive — have developed thyroid cancer.

Many of the rest have had their guts seize up into a steel ball, requiring emergency surgery — and all only to gain all the weight they lost (a disproportionate share of which, it turns out, was precious lean muscle, not body fat) back once they stop the medication.

Related: Doctor Warns of ANOTHER 'Alarming' Side Effect of 'Miracle' Weight Loss Drug

Medicare is now fully bankrupted, but not before having been successfully pecked to the bone by the parasites who run the government in their own self-interest. All of the workers under 60 who paid into it their whole working lives get nothing — except for some liberal and loving state euthanasia, perhaps. The government will bill the family for the needle and cocktail.

No one seemingly wins — except the pharmaceutical industry that bilks Medicare and the surgeon that fixes the frozen intestines and the oncologist who treats the thyroid cancer.

“No one could have seen this coming,” the pharmaceutical industry advertising-dependent corporate state media will plead as their parent companies are awash in lawsuits.

“We were relying on the best science we had at the time,” they’ll add.

It was with the purest loving and liberal intentions that millions of Medicare patients were shunted onto the Ozempic/Wegovy treadmill. After all, the healthcare professionals were only Following the Science™.

Following, and never asking questions or examining ulterior motives, is how one best Respects the Science™.

We’ve been taught well to surrender ourselves at its altar, well-versed as we are in the neoliberal Sciencism canon, rendered from Pfizer God’s mouth to our grateful ears by our benevolent techno-feudal overlords.



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