
FRIDAY AT 3 P.M. EASTERN: 'Five O'Clock Somewhere' With Kruiser, VodkaPundit, Ed Morrissey

Hot Air's Ed Morrissey joins us today in the Seat of Unfomortable Ecstacy, which makes this Five O'Clock Somewhere the 523rd* can't-miss show in a row.

*Approximately. If you think I'm going to go back and count exactly how many shows we've done in four-plus years, you're going to have to buy me a 21-year-old bottle of Aberlour first. Or two 21-year-old gymnasts. Your choice.

All kidding aside, can't wait to see you at 3 p.m. Eastern.

P.S. If you aren't already part of our 5OS VIP Gold family, what are you waiting for?

P.P.S. Producer Jim is out sick today so we're going to go straight to the Zoom call. Same bat-time, same bat-channel. Just use this Zoom link instead of waiting for the Vimeo embed to appear. But that ain't gonna happen. 


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