Yes, It Can Happen Here

Public prosecutor's office in Hamburg via the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum via AP

It looked like a scene straight out of today's Middle East, an Islamicized part of Paris, or from the early days of Adolf Hitler's regime in Germany as a mob formed outside a synagogue, ready to commit violence — and then they did. But it wasn't Berlin, Paris, or the West Bank. It was a sunny Sunday afternoon in Los Angeles.


It can happen here. It is happening here.

The mob formed outside the Adas Torah Synagogue at about 1:40 Sunday afternoon, wearing the now all-too-familiar keffiyehs, waving Palestinian flags, and calling for an intifada against the Jews. And yet, Daniel Greenfield reported, "The LAPD allowed terrorist supporters to occupy both sides of the synagogue while keeping Jewish counterprotesters out. Only a narrow protected lane allowed access."

The mostly peaceful protest soon looked like this:

This next clip isn't pleasant to watch.


Before it was over, the mob had devolved into a running hunt for Jews in the area.

Let me compliment Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass, who said in a statement late Sunday, "I want to be clear that Los Angeles will not be a harbor for antisemitism and violence. Those responsible for either will be found and held accountable." Bass also said she's told interim LAPD chief Dominic Cho "to provide additional patrols in the Pico-Robertson community as well as outside of houses of worship throughout the city."

UPDATE: Maybe I complimented Bass too soon. Actions mean more than words, and Rabbi Michael Barclay reported today that she might have acted to have the police stand down at Adas Torah.

But the fundamental issue isn't about the so-called genocide of the Arabs of Gaza, Israel, Zionism, or even the Jews.

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In one of the all-too-many histories I've read about our Pacific campaign, one anecdote stands out. In the early days of Nazi rule, before Japan joined the Axis, a Japanese diplomat in Berlin reported back to Tokyo, "If only we had something like the Jews."


I wish I could remember which book that one is from so I could properly quote and credit it.

The point is that, as David Horowitz reminded us, the issue is not the issue — the issue is always the revolution. "In other words the cause — whether inner city blacks or women — is never the real cause," Horowitz wrote, "but only an occasion to advance the real cause which is the accumulation of power to make the revolution."

You won't be surprised to learn that Andy Ngo identified at least one Antifa member among the mob.

As a usually easily identified and persecuteable minority, Jews have often been a convenient scapegoat for those in power — or seeking to take it.

The intifada isn't against the Jews. It's against us all. 

I've been writing about the danger of intifada and jihad since the weeks after 9/11. Help me keep getting the message out by becoming one of our VIP or VIP Gold supporters with our special 50% SAVEAMERICA discount.


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