Now, more than ever, we need the “Five O’Clock Somewhere” VIP Gold Live Chat.
I’d just finished writing Wednesday’s Insanity Wrap when — too late! — I ran across a POLITICO story so filled with misleading assumptions and bias that I nearly hurled my Bloody Mary at the screen in outrage.
And that was just the headline and subhead.
I haven’t gotten to the actual report yet.
I’m saving it for Thursday’s Insanity Wrap… and, of course, for some much-needed levity with my Live Chat compadres, Stephen Kruiser and Bryan Preston.
If you need a break from the madness the way we need a break from the madness, you really can’t do any better than three hours of good cheer — and even better conversation with our growing community of “Five O’Clock Somewhere” VIP Gold viewers.
See you Thursday — can’t wait!