Who's Your Daddy?

(AP Photo/Jim Mone)


In an interview with Fox News on Monday morning, Trump was asked about the mix-up, and if New York state’s voter registration rules were “unfair.”

“There are two New Yorkers who won’t be able to vote for you or Ted Cruz. Ivanka and Eric Trump unable to register because of the rules,” the host asked. “Are the rules of New York unfair as well?”

“No. They had a long time to register and they were, you know, unaware of the rules, and they didn’t register in time,” Trump said. “So they feel very, very guilty. They feel very guilty.”

In early polls, Trump has received just above 50 percent of the vote among New York Republicans, and he didn’t sound too worried about losing a couple of votes.

“But it’s fine. I mean I understand that,” Trump said. “I think they have to register a year in advance and they didn’t. So Eric and Ivanka, I guess, won’t be voting.”

“Are you cutting off their allowance?” Fox News asked.

“Yes. No more allowance,” Trump said.


Love him or hate him, that was a cute response to what amounts to an inconsequential story.

On the other hand, Trump’s history as a Republican is rocky at best:

* JULY 1987: Trump registers for the first time from his Fifth Avenue penthouse. The real estate developer, 41 at the time, reports having previously been registered from his boyhood home in Queens (though his prior party affiliation is unclear). Trump enrolls as a REPUBLICAN.
* OCTOBER 1999: Trump dumps the GOP and enrolls as a member of the INDEPENDENCE PARTY.

* AUGUST 2001: Trump enrolls as a DEMOCRAT.

* SEPTEMBER 2009: After eight years as a Democrat, Trump returns to the REPUBLICAN PARTY.

* DECEMBER 2011: Trump lasts two years before he again abandons the party of Ronald Reagan. He eschews the GOP in favor of siding with no party. On his registration form, “The Apprentice” star checks off the box marked “I DO NOT WISH TO ENROLL IN A PARTY.”

* APRIL 2012: Trump registers as a REPUBLICAN.

I’ve been registered Independent since Bush’s first term, because Bush. I’d switched my registration from Libertarian to Republican in 2000 just so I could vote for Bush (well, to vote against McCain, really) in the GOP primary. Before registering Libertarian in the early ’90s, I’d registered as a Republican right after my 18th birthday — and had planned to stay GOP for my entire life.


Things change.


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