With a tip of the hat to Eddie Scary, here’s Walsh in her own words:
By now you know the story: Interviewed by NY1 reporter Mike Scotto, Grimm called the president’s speech “divisive.” But when Scotto went on to try to ask Grimm about his own myriad legal and ethical troubles, well, Grimm threatened to divide Scotto, literally, as in “I’ll break you in half like a little boy.”
As they stood along a railing in the Capitol, Grimm blasted Scotto for not sticking to SOTU questions. “If you ever do that to me again, I’ll throw you off the fucking balcony.” When Scotto defended asking Grimm about a campaign finance probe, the congressman, presumably thinking the camera was off, went on: “No, no, you’re not man enough … I’ll break you in half like a little boy.”
There’s so much awful about the Grimm video, especially the macho posturing and the vaguely sexual menace as he threatens to harm the clearly rattled Scotto, who stands just over 5 feet tall. [Emphasis added]
If I ever needed a reminder that I never ever want to know what Walsh gets up to in the bedroom, that statement is it.
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