Tone Deaf in the White House

This one is a real head-scratcher:

The White House hopes to bolster President Obama’s political standing by shifting attention from the bruising budget battles of the last month to immigration reform and gun control.

Democrats welcome the pivot after watching Obama’s standing in polls fall amid fights with Congress over the budget and the automatic spending cuts known as the sequester.

They see immigration and gun reform as a better playing field for Obama that could provide political wins for the president.


Poll after poll shows Americans side more with the GOP (or at least against the Democrats) on gun control and immigration. So how is this pivot supposed to help?

Obama spent two years making speech after speech, trying to bolster support for ObamaCare, and moved public opinion not one whit. And that’s before the gawdawful law started making itself felt. Here we have two issues where most Americans have had their views set for probably their entire adult lives — and Teh One is going to improve his numbers by going against the grain?

I don’t think so. He — and we — are in for a mostly-miserable 46 more months.


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