Must-See Radio

This week’s PJM Political was another rant-filled affair, including not one but two hare-brained schemes to fix the Senate. Also on the big show:

Five Questions For James Lileks, including one on the passing of CBS’s Don Hewitt.

From PJTV’s Poliwood, Pajamas CEO Roger L. Simon and fellow screenwriter Lionel Chetwynd reminisce about the career of the recently deceased novelist and screenwriter Budd Schulberg.

From PJTV’s InstaVision, Glenn Reynolds interviews New York Times-bestselling science fiction author John Ringo on the merger of sci-fi and military tech.


Plus, listen as producer Ed Driscoll is almost taken aback by my verbal onslaught against Ted Kennedy and the rest of the Senate geriatrics dying on your dime.

The link above goes to the downloadable/streaming version, but you can also subscribe on iTunes or listen in your car or home on Sirius/XM Satellite Radio.


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