I can’t be drunk.
I had exactly two glasses of wine with a very big dinner, so there’s no way I’m drunk. I’m not. I can’t be. But how else to explain this:
NEW YORK – President Bush (news – web sites) got a convention bounce even in heavily Democratic New York but still trailed rival John Kerry (news – web sites), two statewide presidential polls said Wednesday.
The Quinnipiac University Polling Institute said Kerry led Bush 47 percent to 41 percent, with independent Ralph Nader (news – web sites) at 4 percent. In a poll released Aug. 13, three weeks before Bush’s speech at Republican National Convention, Kerry led by 20 percentage points, 53 percent to 35 percent, with Nader at 4 percent.
Or this:
CHICAGO (CBS 2) The presidential election is just 48 days away now, and according to an exclusive new poll of Illinois voters, George W. Bush and John Kerry could be in a virtual dead heat.
Or this:
The race is essentially tied. The poll found 49 of likely voters in Pennsylvania support Bush, 48 percent Kerry. With Ralph Nader in the contest
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