Hot from Drudge comes this Reuters story:
A rocket hit an oil refinery depot in southwestern Iran close to the border with Iraq and two people have been injured, Iranian government sources told Reuters on Friday.
The sources said it was not clear where the rocket, which hit the depot in the city of Abadan, had come from. Abadan is about 30 miles east of the southern Iraqi city of Basra.
It hit the building around 7:45 p.m. local time, they said.
Here are some explainations, in order of decreasing likelihood:
It was a local accident, not a missile.
Somebody in Iraq made a big boo-boo.
Somebody in the Coalition made a little boo-boo.
Republican Guard forces are trying to confuse the situation and bring in the Iranians.
A regular Iraqi unit is getting in a little vengeance.
It didn’t happen.
The Iranians did it to themselves in order to justify “liberating” their Shi’ite brothers in southern Iraq, especially in Basra.
That last one is the most worrisome and least likely.
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