Lies, Damned Lies, and the Press

July 2, 2002Frequent contributor Mike Daley writes, “You don’t have to cross the Atlantic to find bias.”

Mike includes this scan (I cropped it) of the front page of today’s Sacramento Bee. Of even greater interest is the Boston Globe write up under the nasty headline.


US warplanes bombed a central Afghan village yesterday in an attack that residents said killed scores of innocent civilians at a wedding celebration but that American military officials contended was in response to antiaircraft fire.

How an accident — which again, might not have been an American mistake — involving a single bomb from a single plane morphs into an “attack” by “US warplanes” is truly beyond me. Unless, of course, the writer and editor are lying.

Not dissembling, not equivocating, not prevaricating, not misinforming, not distorting. Lying. A major newspaper, flat out lying to its readers. And if these are lies, I can’t think of a motivation other than demoralizing our armed forces and dispiriting our public.

You can contact the executive editor of the Bee here, and the Globe’s here.


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