You Have No Idea How Many Names He Wanted to Drop Just Now
Back to OpinionJournal for a moment, where Kimberly Strassel wrote a particularly damning essay about the wide, wide gulf between the International Olympic Committee’s lofty ambitions and its taudry reality.
I still love the Games, and always will. But if we can sweep away a barbarian horde in Afghanistan while hardly breaking a sweat, surely we can clean the IOC’s house in Switzerland.
Colorado Springs, where I live, is an Olympics-heavy town. The old Broadmoor World Arena was once home to almost all our skaters, who still come here for final training in the rarified air at 6,000 feet. The US Olympic Training Center is just a few miles from my house. We hold tournies and competitions and events all year ’round. Hell, the VodkaFiance works for the head of the United States Figure Skating Association, also HQ’d here. I was raised a flatlander in St Louis — but my Olympic-minded cousin (now an international skating judge) moved here to train 22 years ago, and I fell in love with this place visiting him.
And towns don’t come much more clean than this one, even at the OTC.
If we can do it here, we can make them do it there.
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