Next Time, L.A., Don't Elect a Commie Who Hates You. Here's How!


Here's a word to fireravaged and tormented Los Angeles voters: the next time you elect a mayor who will be required to oversee a disaster, don't hire someone whose policies encouraged those disasters. 


Don't hire someone who: 

  • Is Incompetent
  • Hates our country
  • Is a Cuba-inspired commie
  • Who inspired bombing the U.S. Capitol

Mayor Yoga Pants Garcetti was bad, but for God's sake, people, Karen Bass

Hiring a luxury-believing new age "Angelino" was unserious, but a person who hates American values should be a non-starter. When did it become the norm to hire people who completely hate your way of life, L.A.? 

You hired a commie who thinks you have too much "privilege," you wrong-colored, privileged bigot. Good luck getting building permits and approvals if you're even allowed to rebuild on your private propery.

Clearly, L.A. voters, you have no idea how to elect leaders who know that water and safety are more important than giving money to pro-Hamas "protesters" and the transgender chorus. 

Allow me to give you some tips for future elections, but first, come sit next to me and let's get to the heart of the matter. Please tell me where the normal person hurt you. 

To begin with, cities, counties, and countries don't run themselves. Someone who wants the title of mayor needs to know the very basics of what is expected of them. They should know when there's enough water to put out fires. They should at least have a passing understanding of the role of law enforcement and fire fighting. You should make them declare their beliefs and demonstrated abilities on these issues. They must have first principles in mind. Therefore, hire someone who can run the organization with an eye to covering your basic governmental needs. 


These are: 

  • Water
  • Safety

You can throw garbage pickup in there somewhere, too. Furthermore, here are some pro-tips to take under consideration when evaluating your next crop of mayoral contestants. Seriously -- ponder each of these real facts about Karen Bass:

  • Hire the person who didn't make multiple trips to Cuba to worship at the feet of Fidel Castro. 
  • Hire the person who didn't front a communist organization that inspired the bombing of the U.S. Capitol Building in 1983. 
  • Hire the person you're sure will keep water in the fire hydrants.  
  • Hire the person who didn't cut the fire budget.
  • Mark your ballot for the one who didn't waste $2 billion in COVID funds with little to show for it.
  • Hire someone who has public safety as the number one issue, not someone who thinks honoring safety is a privilege you are not worthy of. 
  • Hire a mayor who honors the right to private property.
  • Hire a person who puts first principles at the top of the spending priorities.

Also—and this is a must—hire a mayor who wouldn't have a deputy mayor who phoned in bomb threats and had to be suspended from his job, thereby making him unavailable when the mayor took a junket to Ghana.

Here's a rundown of Karen Bass's communist bonafides. 

Bass was on the short list to become Joe Biden's veep. If you could imagine someone to the political left of Kamala, it would be Karen Bass. 


In 2020, when Bass was under consideration, the Trump campaign couldn't believe it. Trump's camp sent a howler to the media, who, of course, completely ignored it. Indeed, the L.A. Times later endorsed Bass for mayor though she had been the leader of a commie terror group called "Venceremos Brigade," a Cuban commie group whose mission was to entice more fellow travelers and create havoc in the United States. It was, in short, an intelligence operation by Fidel Castro's government. Karen Bass led it in L.A.

Here's the intelligence the Trump campaign sent in a press release, verified by UC Santa Barbara—and it's wild. 

The Venceremos Brigade was not a humanitarian organization, it was a communist group that trained in guerrilla warfare. "The fact that Joe Biden is even considering a communist sympathizer like Karen Bass as a potential vice president proves that no matter who he selects as his running mate, he has been compromised by the radical left and must be rejected by the American people in November—our way of life depends on it," said Mercedes Schlapp, Trump 2020 Senior Advisor for Strategic Communications. 

"As the daughter of a former Cuban political prisoner, I can tell you that Bass' description of the Venceremos Brigade is grossly deceptive and offensive to Cuban Americans. The Venceremos Brigade is a radical Marxist group that was conceptualized by Fidel Castro and managed by his regime's top spy agency. 


You'll note that I said "terror" above. Bass's Venceremos Brigade had ties to domestic terror groups including the all-women M19 gang responsible for bombing the U.S. Capitol Building in 1983. I'm told that assaults on the Capitol are disqualifying. 

Before the 2022 mayor's race, the Washington Examiner ran a piece about Bass.

Bass took eight trips to Cuba, in violation of the U.S. travel ban, to support the VB. Established in 1969, the VB is a Cuban regime organization that aims to embellish Havana’s image abroad, especially in the U.S. For more than a half-century, the VB has brought groups of Americans, mostly pro-Castro leftists, to the island to meet with regime officials and assist Havana with propaganda. ... 

[I]n 1975, the Communist Daily World newspaper described her as the “leader of the Venceremos Brigade in southern California,” while a 1996 academic dissertation depicted Bass in the 1970s like so: “As a ‘brigadista’ and then organizer for the Venceremos Brigades, Karen visited Cuba every 6 months.” A 1975 LA Police Department intelligence report described the then-22-year-old Bass as a “leader” in the VB, which was alleged to “train revolutionary-prone Americans in terrorist tactics and guerrilla warfare while claiming to harvest sugar cane.” 

Now hold on, I'm reliably told by Adam "Russia, Russia, Russia" Schiff, Eric "Fang Fang" Swalwell, and other L.A. and D.C. Democrats that being a commie spy is disqualifying. 


But not for Commie Karen.  

In 1982, Gerardo Peraza, a DGI senior officer who defected to the U.S., testified before the Senate regarding his personal experience with the VB and how his service used it as a front to recruit Americans to spy for Havana. Peraza described how “brigadistas” [like Bass] were employed by Havana to spy on American targets, ironically including Congress. A year later, another DGI defector informed the FBI that the VB was fully controlled by Cuban intelligence.

It is tempting to dismiss Bass’s work for Havana as a youthful indiscretion, something long in the past, as forgettable as a bad 1970s haircut. However, when Fidel Castro died in 2016, Bass placed a formal message on her congressional website mourning “the passing of the Comandante en Jefe” as “a great loss to the people of Cuba.” 

In a long message, independent reporter Michael Shellenberger reported that Bass was inspired by what many California leftists were back in the day. They all share the "values" of envy. Shellenberger, a man of the left who's been red pilled by the Censorship Industrial Complex and COVID tyranny, put it this way:

The people who control the Democratic Party in California worship books about Los Angeles, like City of Quartz by the Marxist author Mike Davis. In that book, Davis claims that the problem in Los Angeles is that too much money goes to things like firefighting to protect wealthy neighborhoods.They did the same thing on crime and homelessness. They failed to provide adequate funding to the police. They weakened the laws that allowed for burglaries and robberies. They subsidized homelessness, attracting homeless people from around the United States to camp illegally and start fires.Over half of the fires in places like Los Angeles and Oakland are caused by the homeless committing arson, often out of some petty revenge


So, in conclusion, communism doesn't work; therefore it's a luxury belief. Don't hire a commie and expect that person to share your values on what is important in American life. They don't prioritize safety the way you do. They believe safety is based on equity, but they'll never tell you when equity is achieved. They don't agree with you on the most basic of tried and tested beliefs. They just don't. So don't vote for them. 

You're welcome. Share this so that the rest of America knows too. 


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