Everywhere you look on the West Coast, Messed Coast™, Democrat Party genius is on full display. Banks are failing, fentanyl flats are everywhere, open-air graft “money for policy decisions” are given the so what are you gonna do about it treatment, Joe’s “smartest man I know” crackhead son is his right-hand man at the White House, Democrat chest feeders make railroad and road decisions, and poor maligned and confused men who say they’re women now live out their felonious lives in women’s state prisons.
Don’t believe your lyin’ eyes. Everything’s fine.
Everything’s fine, part 1
We begin on the West Coast, Messed Coast™ report in Trans-ville — not an actual place but a woke state of mind — where women’s prisons are now required to lock up biological men with real women. The results show up every nine months or so.
The Washington Corrections Center for Women in Gig Harbor is where men who insist they are women are causing havoc with the actual female inmates.
James O’Keefe’s new O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) has revealed inside interviews that explain that — shockingly — women inmates do not want to be cellies with male rapists, child rapists, and murderers.
“Rapists are in our rooms,” one insider tells O’Keefe. “Imagine you’re in closed custody and you turn around and there’s a man standing there peeing in the toilet,” the female explains. The individual says that once upon a time certain groups were separated from one another, but that’s been dropped in favor of an anything-goes mix at the women’s prison — for equity’s sake, you understand.
“Some of these men are not confused,” one inmate tells OMG. “They’re manipulating the system. They just say [they’re women] to come here to have sex with women during their prison sentences.” The only way women can get away from the biological males is to say they’re going to kill themselves. “And then go down to the crazy unit to get out of that room,” she says. But there’s a price: “…if you refuse to go back in there you get in major trouble.”
The insider tells O’Keefe of the “million dollar baby” scam one biological male inmate tried to pull off with a female inmate.
“I’ve heard some of these men talk about how they would want to get a girl pregnant so that the girl could form a lawsuit against WCCW [Washington Corrections Center for Women] and say that he raped her and he’s willing to go along with it.” The idea is that somehow she’d get a legal payday and they’d split the take. She says “they’re calling it the million dollar baby.”
Totally normal. Everything’s fine.
Everything’s fine, part 2
What could go wrong? So-called “houseless individuals” with “pickaxes and shovels” are carving out “homes” “inside” bridges and under freeways in Portland, Oregon.
Drug and alcohol counselor Kevin Dahlgren was recently on his rounds to do his sidewalk counseling when he discovered this phenomenon and got a video of these shenanigans taking place.
While walking past an overpass I noticed a hole cut into the fence. I entered it and walked to the back and found shovels, pickaxes, headlamps and others supplies. Past that I found a hole leading deeper into the bridge. Inside was a labyrinth of tunnels. There was sleeping bags
“This is the natural result,” he says, “when [Multnomah County] does nothing to end this crisis.”
While walking past an overpass I noticed a hole cut into the fence. I entered it and walked to the back and found shovels, pickaxes, headlamps and others supplies. Past that I found a hole leading deeper into the bridge. Inside was a labyrinth of tunnels. There was sleeping bags pic.twitter.com/39T5n2OqSB
— Kevin Dahlgren (@kevinvdahlgren) April 26, 2023
“This was clearly the beginning of a large project to build an encampment inside the bridge. This isn’t the first time I have seen this. A few months ago I learned of people living inside the bridges in downtown. Less that 6 weeks later at the exact spot i had reported on a person died after a fire. I have seen everything.”
Related: West Coast, Messed Coast™: First, Do No Harm—Special Drug Edition
I am often impressed with the structures I have found, but I still believe a person will never get their needs fully met living like that. Do your research. Have your county commissioners and/or mayors, city councilors, and state reps made a genuine effort to end this crisis? If not it’s time to vote differently. In the meantime, call out the ones not making a difference and, in a tone that matches your frustration, politely demand results.
living inside the bridges in downtown. Less that 6 weeks later at the exact spot i had reported on a person died after a fire. I have seen everything. pic.twitter.com/bsKDoZcd4q
— Kevin Dahlgren (@kevinvdahlgren) April 26, 2023
Dahlgren talks about his experience helping the 80% of the street people who are addicts on the next edition of my Adult in the Room podcast. Standing in the way of helping these people are bureaucrats wedded to housing-first programs and — surprise, surprise — Antifa.
Everything’s fine, part 3
Is that a little green shoot in Oregon a sign of scruples in the one-party-rule West Coast, Messed Coast™, or is that just weed?
In Oregon, the Secretary of State, who’s in charge of elections and statewide government was caught taking monthly $10,000 payments from pot purveyors at the same time she was overseeing an audit of — the pot business. Shemia Fagan has rightly resigned from her post.
From Oregon Catalyst:
The controversial marijuana businesses, La Mota, which is reported to be behind millions of their taxes and was caught paying the Secretary of State $10,000/month as a consultant as the Secretary was conducting a marijuana equity audit. This scandal forced the Secretary of State, Shemia Fagan, to resign this week.
La Mota was huge contributor to Oregon politicians.
La Mota gave Tina Kotek: $68,365, and Tina Kotek has returned the donation by making a $75,000 donation to the Oregon Food Bank.
Your West Coast, Messed Coast™ correspondent wonders what it means to seek “equity” in the weed business and also if the unfortunately-named Gov. Kotek will be able to write off that “donation” to the Oregon Food Bank as her own.
Everything’s fine, part 4
Layoffs continue on the West Coast, Messed Coast™ where Gap and Dropbox have just announced another tranche of 2000 layoffs in the Bay Area.
Three companies in Oregon announced they were bailing out from the high-tax state. Cracker Barrel announced that it’s closing all but one of its Oregon stores. Homegrown Hot Lips Pizza is throwing in the towel for good, joining David’s Bridal, a prominent West Coast, Messed Coast™ business, in extinction.
When states make it hard to do business by taxing people too much and not enforcing the laws to keep them safe, then why stand there and get picked clean by the riff-raff in the streets and in the legislature?
For Our VIP Members: The ‘Fix Is In’ for Hunter Biden’s Backdoor Pardon
Another business that is surprisingly throwing in the towel, or at least putting the towel back on, is a Portland strip club known as The Venue Gentlemen’s Club. Turns out that there aren’t enough gentlemen in Portland to fill said club, so it’s closing.
Oregon’s free speech laws hold that live sex acts are protected political speech, so the state has the highest number of booby bars per capita.
Taking the spot may be Chick-fil-A, the Christian company that makes America’s holiest chicken.
The Oregonian reports that permits are still pending. “Chick-fil-A hopes to add facade and roof alterations, new landscaping areas, and right-of-way dedications to the site,” which means the restaurant chain faces huge barriers in a city like Portland. Portland would rather have a strip club than make it easier for drivers to get to a drive-through restaurant.
Everything’s fine, part 5
And as the Bay Area economy constricts from the Democrats’ great job of destroying business and jobs, Oakland, Calif., teachers decided this week to go out on strike. Again.
The [latest district] proposal would give a retroactive 10% raise to all union members, and teachers, in particular, would see a 13% to 22% jump in salary from this year to next, along with a $5,000 bonus, the district says.
Teachers aren’t only striking over money. The Left-wing union demands that the district give in to its “common goods list” that must be fulfilled before teachers go back to school.
Included in the list are climate change demands, reparations, “equitable teaching,” “shared leadership” with steering committees made up of teachers to tell the district how to run things, consensus decision-making, air conditioning and heating changes, and climate justice programs.
As parent-advocate Lakisha Young notes, however, something is missing from the ransom list: better learning outcomes.
… and inform you that nowhere on this list did we read anything about a commitment to increasing reading and math proficiency for our students so they have access to college or a life they choose vs. a life that chooses them.
— Lakisha Young (@LakishaYoungCEO) May 2, 2023
As Randi Weingarten’s predecessor at the American Federation of Teachers, Albert Shanker, is credited with saying, “When schoolchildren start paying union dues, that’s when I’ll start representing the interests of school children.”
Sure. The teachers “care” about the children.
Related: Washington Gov Locks Doors Before Banning Long Semi-auto Guns and Destroying Gun Businesses
Everything’s fine, part 6
There is one bright spot. Jay Inslee promises not to run for a fourth term as Washington State’s worst governor ever.
Hey, celebrate the W’s when they come. Raise a glass and toast his lame duckness.
We’ll have what she’s having
Mr. West Coast, Messed Coast™ and I subscribed to a West Coast, Messed Coast™ symphony and enjoyed many happy hours of some of the finest music known to our world. Our friend would often arrive at the performances after a long business trip and was known to occasionally enjoy a deep and long nap. He said it was the best sleep he ever had.
During a Los Angeles Philharmonic performance of Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No.5, as the music began a crescendo, a woman enjoyed what sounded to the entire orchestra and audience as some of the best sex she ever had.
The L.A. Times reports a woman enjoyed from the balcony a “loud, full-body orgasm” in which she “screamed” and “moaned.”
According to The Los Angeles Times, “Everyone kind of turned to see what was happening,” a, er, witness told the Times. “I saw the girl after it had happened, and I assume that she … had an orgasm because she was heavily breathing, and her partner was smiling and looking at her — like in an effort to not shame her.” She said, “it was quite beautiful.”
Until the next West Coast, Messed Coast™ keep those tips coming in to [email protected].
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