Pastor Who Was Arrested for Sharing His Testimony Predicts Jesus' Second Coming

YouTube screenshot.

On Wednesday, Ramin Parsa, a Christian pastor and refugee from Iran who was arrested for sharing his testimony at the Mall of America in Minneapolis, Minn., last year, added a prophecy to his chilling story. He claimed to have heard Jesus Christ’s voice telling him that the savior is “coming back soon.”


“I haven’t shared this with many but after I got arrested in Minneapolis Minnesota for sharing my testimony of why I became a Christian with some Muslims at their own request, in a private conversation, I was taken to the basement at the mall of America and they handcuffed both my hands to a metal chair that was bolted to the ground, it was mall jail,” Parsa wrote in a Facebook post.

“I AM coming back soon.” I haven’t shared this with many but after I got arrested in #Minneapolis #Minnesota for sharing…

Posted by Ramin Parsa on Wednesday, January 23, 2019

“I was in shock and rage that such [a thing] happened in America, suddenly I felt a bubble of protection encompassed all around me, it’s as [if] the Lord placed me in a circular glass where I couldn’t hear external voices and felt an amazing sense of peace,” the pastor continued. “And I heard these striking Words inside of my heart: ‘I AM coming back soon.'”

Parsa clarified that “it wasn’t an audible voice but it was louder and clearer than an audible voice, and I began to sing to the Lord.”

The pastor concluded his post by predicting that Jesus’s Second Coming is imminent: “No one knows the time, but we are not in last days, we are in last hours.”


The message — “I AM coming back soon” — refers to the name of God from Exodus 3:14, in which God gives Moses the name Yahweh. “God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM.’ And he said, ‘Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I AM has sent me to you.””

Jesus references this verse in John 8:56-58, declaring, “Before Abraham was, I AM.”

It seems very fitting that if Jesus did speak to Ramin Parsa in his captivity, He would use a phrase like “I AM coming back soon.”

Parsa was handcuffed to a metal chair for four hours without water and without being allowed to use the restroom. Then the mall security called the police. The pastor’s case is ongoing.

It is truly tragic and horrific that a Christian pastor in the United States was illegally held by a mall for nearly four hours and then arrested for merely speaking about his faith with Muslims. Parsa himself is also a refugee from Iran (where he was stabbed), and he was arrested in Turkey for passing out Bibles. But finding the same kind of persecution in the U.S. truly shook him.

This does not necessarily make Parsa a reliable prophet, however. Matthew 24:36 states that “No man knows the day or the hour” of Jesus’s return. To be clear, the pastor is not claiming to know the day or the hour, but he did claim that Jesus’ Second Coming would take place in a matter of hours, not days.


The difficulty with End Times prophecies like this is that they are easy to make, hard to disprove, and potentially spiritually misleading. Christians should always be prepared for Jesus’s return, but so many prophecies have proven false. I know Ramin Parsa and trust him, but it is quite possible Jesus was telling Parsa that help was coming soon, or that Jesus’s presence in the Holy Spirit would be with him.

Then again, it is possible that Jesus will come back soon. Christians should be ever vigilant.

Follow the author of this article on Twitter at @Tyler2ONeil.


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