Health Care Premiums to Rise in Every State But One in 2016

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On Monday, the free-market nonprofit Freedom Partners released the 2016 Obamacare Premium Increase Tracker, a tool which uses a wide range of market data to predict health care premiums in all 50 states under Obamacare this year. According to the tool, 49 out of 50 states will see an increase, and 28 states will see premiums rise 10 percent or more.


Freedom Partners Senior Policy Adviser Nathan Nascimento put it bluntly. “‘You can keep your plan’ turned out not to be true, and it turns out that the ‘Obamacare will make health care affordable’ promise is no different.”

“Our data are conclusive: The Affordable Care Act has driven up costs across the board, with people in 49 states seeing premium increases on the individual market this year,” Nascimento added. “President Obama has chosen to look the other way, but the millions of Americans being crushed by the costs of Obamacare don’t have the same luxury.”

Health care premiums will rise in every state but one—Mississippi—but that lucky state will only see a minuscule drop of 0.2 percent. The rate hikes range from 1.0 percent (Indiana) to a whopping 47.7 percent(Minnesota). No fewer than seventeen states will see rates increase by an average above 20 percent.

Freedom Partners' Estimates of Health Care Premium Increases in 2016

Freedom Partners’ Estimates of Health Care Premium Increases in 2016


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