ISIS Destroys Ancient Roman Amphitheatre in Palmyra

2839150 05/05/2016 At the concert of its Symphony Orchestra in the Roman Amphitheater of Syria's Palmyra liberated from ISIS terrorists. People's Artist of Russia Valery Gergiyev is the theater's art director. Maksim Blinov/Sputnik via AP

The radical Islamic terrorists of ISIS continue to wage a war on history:

Militants from the Islamic State group have destroyed part of the Roman amphitheatre in the ancient city of Palmyra, Syrian officials say.

The facade of the second-century amphitheatre and a four-sided Roman monument called a tetrapylon have been destroyed, state media report.


Although government forces reconquered Palmyra last year, they lost control over the city when they focused their attention on Aleppo, a strategically more important city in Syria. As a result, ISIS was able to come back into the city. It was reported yesterday that they immediately started where they left off by executing as many as twelve individuals who didn’t support the terror group and its radical Islamic ideology. Among the victims were government workers and teachers.

Apparently, killing people doesn’t suffice in ISIS’ eyes, which is why the extremists have now turned their “loving attention” to Palmyra’s ancient history. To most Westerners, destroying an ancient amphitheater doesn’t make sense. Sadly it does to ISIS. The amphitheater is, in ISIS’ mind, a relic of Syria’s non-Islamic past. That part of history has to be destroyed so Syria can be 100 percent Islamic.



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