Petition Seeks to 'Dismantle' Colorado State University TPUSA Chapter

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The tolerant Left doesn’t like it when people don’t toe the line. You see, they’re tolerant of everything except anyone who thinks a little bit differently.


The most recent example comes from Colorado State University, where a petition is circulating calling for an end to the school’s Turning Point USA chapter.

A group calling itself Students Against White Supremacy (SAWS) at CSU crafted the petition, which claims: “The actions and words of Turning Point USA directly encourage White Supremacy on campus.”

It also accuses the school of being complicit: “The University has made the choice to do nothing, despite its power to make real change.”

And of course: “This creates an unsafe space for marginalized students on our campus and also puts the burden of healing from trauma onto those students.”

Now, there have apparently been actual incidents of racism on campus. According to The Rocky Mountain Collegian, “The coalition’s creation was largely in response to incidents of hate and white supremacy found on campus throughout the year, including white pride posters and anti-Muslim incidents.

I’ll argue that being “anti-Muslim” doesn’t make you racist because Muslim isn’t a race, but their overall point may stand. Of course, there’s nothing to link Turning Point USA to these acts. The petition’s final point reads: “We demand for TPUSA to be dismantled or removed from campus,” but it offers no real evidence to support the demand.


Campus Reform notes the real motivation: “SAWS member Alex Scott told the Collegian that the group isn’t targeting conservatives in general, but rather is focusing specifically on TPUSA out of concern that the group will use members who also serve on student government to reduce funding for liberal student groups.”

“We aren’t targeting the College Republicans, we aren’t targeting Young Americans for Liberty, and that’s for a very specific reason,” Scott told the student paper. “They don’t have a track record of recordings of their leaders saying that ‘the reason we exist is to target campus elections.’”

In other words, we see the real issue. Young Americans for Liberty and groups like that are content to let the liberals run the school. Turning Point USA isn’t.

SAWS is more than willing to leave Turning Point USA alone as long as the group learns its place.


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