J Street Fundraising for Michelle Nunn in Georgia Senate Race

J Street is raising cash for Michelle Nunn, daughter of former Sen. Sam Nunn, to fill the seat being vacated by Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.), contending that the Republicans in the race don’t support a Palestinian state.


The pro-Palestinian lobbying group defines Congress’ “One-State Caucus” as members “who put Israel’s democracy and Jewish character at risk by promoting policies—such as annexation of the West Bank—that are at odds with long standing bipartisan support for a two-state solution.”

The fundraising call cited two of the GOP congressman vying for the nomination — Reps. Paul Broun and Jack Kingston — as falling under this designation. Rep. Phil Gingrey is also running for the nomination in the May 20 primary.

J Street criticizes the members for supporting “a greater Israel that spans from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.”

“Thankfully, Georgia Democrats have united behind a strong pro-Israel, pro-peace candidate to run in November. Michelle Nunn is one of JStreetPAC’s newest endorsees and spent time in Israel when Rabin and Clinton were working towards peace with the Palestinians. When Michelle’s elected to the Senate, she will be an outspoken advocate for US leadership towards two states,” reads the fundraising email.


“Paul Broun and Jack Kingston must have thought they were pandering to someone when they spoke out against a Palestinian state. But you and I know that American pro-Israel activists understand a two-state agreement is essential to promoting Israel’s security and preserving its democratic character. We need your help to teach Paul Broun and Jack Kingston what it means to actually be pro-Israel.”

Kingston has criticized President Obama for pressuring Israel to go to 1967 borders. “These decisions should be made in Tel Aviv by Israelis not in Washington by U.S. politicians,” he said in 2011.

Vice President Joe Biden was fundraising for Nunn earlier this month. Other fundraisers for Nunn include Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s wife, Amy Rule.

Broun leads the GOP pack so far in polls, and tied Nunn in a hypothetical matchup this month.


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