Al Qaeda-Linked Syrian Rebels Apologize for Lopping Off the Wrong Head

President Obama isn’t the only embarrassed* public figure offering apologies this week, according to the Telegraph.

Militant Islamist rebels in Syria linked to al-Qaeda have asked for “understanding and forgiveness” for cutting off and putting on display the wrong man’s head.


In a public appearance filmed and posted online, members of Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, one brandishing a knife, held up a bearded head before a crowd in Aleppo. They triumphantly described the execution of what they said was a member of an Iraqi Shia militia fighting for President Bashar al-Assad.

But the head was recognised from the video as originally belonging to a member of Ahrar al-Sham, a Sunni Islamist rebel group that often fights alongside ISIS though it does not share its al-Qaeda ideology.

After inquiries, an ISIS spokesman admitted he was Mohammed Fares, an Ahrar commander reported missing some days ago.

In explaining the error Mr al-Qahtani made reference to a story in which Mohammed said Allah would forgive a man who killed a believer in error.

Killing the wrong Mohammed is so common that it goes all the way back to the original Mohammed? Who knew?

*Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has also spent the week apologizing, but he doesn’t appear to be embarrassed over his behavior.


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