Artur Davis: 'Not Only Will We Earn Power Again, We Will Deserve Power Again'

A former four-term Democratic congressman who turned Republican last year told CPAC today that he believes “this loss hurt bad enough that we’re going to fix it.”


“Not only will we earn power again, we will deserve power again,” former Rep. Artur Davis (Ala.) said.

“This is our America, too, and we are not going anywhere,” he said. “Sneers can’t erase the truth… you don’t lift up people at the bottom by pulling other people down.”

“We cannot own our future when we live off the credit of countries that want to dominate us.”

Davis thanked Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) for his drive for constitutional conservatism and pointed out “black and brown Americans are no different than anyone else” in wanting good schools for their kids.

“The Americans I’m describing aren’t takers — they aren’t,” he said. “The difference is when Washington takes their money they feel it more deeply than we do.”


“Is it really so odd that they expect the government that they help subsidize to align with their interests?”

Davis advised those predicting a crumbling GOP after the November losses to “keep your lack of confidence to yourself, get out of the way and let the rest of us build.”

“Never lose sight of the essential difference between the political left and right in this country,” he said. “We think there is nothing a man or woman can’t do if we give them the freedom to rise on their own.”


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