- Aristotle, Curiosity, and the Mainstream Media, by Roger Kimball. Aristotle taught that “All men by nature desire to know.” The MSM’s radio silence on Benghazi proves him wrong.
- How Realistic Are Golden Spike’s Plans? By Rand Simberg. The company’s proposed lunar mission will depend on whether investors have confidence in its plans.
- Is a Second Stimulus Around the Corner? By Bill Straub. With ranges from $200 billion to $600 billion, McConnell said Obama appears to believe voters will “magically forget that government spending is completely out of control.”
- Morsi Staggers Referendum on Constitution, by Andrew C. McCarthy. The road to sharia.
- Exposing Joseph Stalin’s Media Apologist, by Bryan Preston. A first look at The Party Line.
- Assault in Lansing: Leftist Blogs Go Into ‘False Flag’ Mode, Mainstream Media Goes Silent, by Bryan Preston. Monolithic silence encourages violence.
- U.S. Stumbles on Palestinian Statehood Vote, by Stephen Bryen and Shoshana Bryen.
- Dire consequences that could have been avoided with a strong U.S. presence at the United Nations.
- Battle for Damascus Begins, by Jonathan Spyer. But the Syrian civil war is far from over.
- Palestinian Fantasy Land, by Jaime Daremblum. The UN statehood vote emboldened Hamas and severely damaged the peace process. (You can read this article in Spanish here.)
- The 5 Most Overrated Pop Culture Heroines, by Leslie Loftis. The heroes who just happen to be women.
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