Graham: 'Sequester' is Latin for 'Dumb Politicians Destroying Defense'

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said in a tweet today that the Senate should dedicate a full week in September to stopping disastrous defense cuts under the upcoming sequestration.


Graham held a press conference a short time ago with Gov. Nikki Haley (R-S.C.) to discuss the impact of the nearly $500 billion in mandatory budget cuts that went into effect when Congress failed to reach a deficit-reduction agreement.

Some lawmakers have been furiously trying to avert the cuts that could cost up to a million jobs and slash the U.S. military to its lowest level since before World War II.

“Sequestration in Latin means ‘dumb politicians destroying defense,'” Graham tweeted. “The people of South Carolina need to know what is coming our way under sequestration.”

“President Obama has done nothing to fix the problem of sequestration. He’s AWOL,” he added. “It’s a national disgrace for the Congress and the Commander in Chief to not fix the problems of sequestration. Or [sic] troops deserve better.”

“Ronald Reagan is rolling over in his grave about how the GOP has agreed to decimate defense under sequestration.”


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