Gingrich Contract Had Him Reporting to Freddie's Top Lobbyist, Romney Adviser Says ObamaCare Won't Be Repealed

Isn’t reporting to lobbyists standard fare for historians?

The contract paid The Gingrich Group $25,000 a month and ran between May 1999 and December 2000. And Gingrich answered to Freddie Mac’s senior vice president of government relations Mitchell Delk, himself a registered lobbyist.


You know, my degree is actually in history… $25 g a month is pretty sweet.

Meanwhile here’s Romney adviser, and potential HHS Secretary under a President Romney Sen. Norm Coleman, saying ObamaCare won’t get killed off even if the Republicans take over.

Mitt Romney adviser Norm Coleman, a former senator from Minnesota, predicted the GOP won’t repeal the Democrats’ healthcare reform law even if a Republican candidate defeats President Obama this November.

“You will not repeal the act in its entirety, but you will see major changes, particularly if there is a Republican president,” Coleman told BioCentury This Week television in an interview that aired on Sunday. “You can’t whole-cloth throw it out. But you can substantially change what’s been done.”

Remind me not to have Sen. Coleman write up any battle cries any time soon. Right behind jobs, getting rid of ObamaCare whole-cloth is a central issue in this election. The Republicans probably won’t have 60 seats in the Senate next year but they will have potential allies among some of the remaining Democrats, and they had better fight to their dying breath to repeal ObamaCare or they risk destroying the next Republican presidency and its majority in Congress. Romney has had to come out publicly disagreeing with his own adviser. Meanwhile he’s out with press releases quoting John McCain about earmarks, for some reason that totally escapes me.


We have a completely unqualified, sharply ideological and dangerously in-over-his-head president, and the two leading candidates to replace him can’t seem to string together more than a day or two of consistency or coherency. It’s enough to drive a blogger to despair.


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