Michael Waldman at Brennan Center smears Tea Party

A whole industry is devoted to denying the existence of voter fraud.  Leaders of this effort include the Brennan Center “for Justice” at New York University Law School.  An article today at the usually credible Bloomberg News Service shows the libelous lengths that academics will employ to smear American citizens who believe in electoral integrity.  Michael Waldman is a Brennan Center vote fraud denier.  He described the True the Vote National Summit taking place later this month as a descent “into vigilantism.”  He falsely reports that True the Vote wants to require voters to show proof of citizenship such as a passport to vote.  This is an outright lie by Waldman and he should apologize.  The True the Vote Summit has been covered at Pajamas here and here.  Voter fraud deniers like the Brennan Center and Tova Wang at Demos loose all credibility when they deny the existence of voter fraud and smear good and decent American citizens who want to exercise legal rights to protect the integrity of American elections.  Hopefully a credible news service like Bloomberg will remove the libelous claims of Waldman and disinvite him from publishing there again.



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