For the couple of decades that I have been writing about leftist bias in the mainstream media, I've been able to emotionally detach myself and not let the awfulness get to me. Otherwise, I'd be hitting the Jameson for breakfast every morning, and I don't even eat breakfast. It's a very Zen-like process that I've made work for a long time.
In the last several weeks, however, there's been some added joy in my efforts. Yes, I've always liked my job, but it's not as if I get an endorphin rush from writing another, "Paul Krugman's an Idiot" column. Like most of you, however, I've been spending my days being washed over by waves of schadenfreude since the election. After five years of COVID and Biden-induced misery, I'm leaning into it.
There has been a lot of discussion about the 2024 election being a rejection of the old guard in media just as much as it was a rejection of the Democrats' insanity. That's true. We haven't gotten rid of them though. A guy can dream, but The New York Times, The Washington Post, and the Big Three nightly news broadcasts aren't going anywhere for a while.
My current delight comes from watching the Democrats' flying monkeys in the mainstream media go about business as usual because they're too ideologically cocooned to know that there was a seismic shift in the last election. The Coastal Media Bubble™ denizens don't get a lot of news from real America, so they're still operating from a tired script that has been set on fire in most parts of this great land.
The standard modus operandi in the modern propaganda media era involves repeating a falsehood or a semi-truth ad nauseam (any more Latin in this sentence and I'll have to enter the seminary) until enough of the public accepts it as fact. Once the lies take root, the electorate is easier to manipulate. The DNC and the MSM hacks coordinate on a few buzzwords or a catchphrase, then spend months regurgitating them.
A good recent example of that is the breathless "Trump is a dictator/fascist/Hitler" narrative that dominated the Times and WaPo Opinion sections last year. Glenn Greenwald mockingly wondered about this in a recent X post:
Is there a single person in DC or media acting as if Literal Adolf Hitler is about to assume power in 2 weeks in order to end American democracy, install fascism, and create a white supremacist dictatorship?
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) January 6, 2025
Is it possible those who said this for years never believed it?
I know that conservatives are aware of the narrative, but I doubt that most know just how insistent it was. As many of you know, I read the Times and WaPo Opinion sections every weekday so that you don't have to. The lefties were redefining "unhinged" with all of the fascism columns.
They're trying to figure out what the next talking points should be. Proper reverence had to be paid to January 6 because it's their high holy day, of course. It's an issue that never had any traction outside of places that haven't seen a Republican since "Hill Street Blues" was a hit but, bless their hearts, they still think that they can taint Trump with it.
As I peruse the op-eds every morning, I can almost smell the flop sweat as they try to coalesce around a new narrative that will give them the "walls are finally closing in on Trump" moment they've been searching for since Jan. 20, 2017. It's like I'm watching an ant farm in which all of the ants have been drugged. None of them are sure what to do and it's easy to see that the confusion will end up destroying the whole enterprise.
Related: The Mainstream Media Death Rattle Has Begun. It's Going to Be a Long One, However.
Yeah, it's going to take some time. Ant farms are fun, though, even for grownups. I'm going to greatly enjoy watching them continue to wreck themselves.
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