
The Kruiser Kabana Episode 227: The Right to Parent Your Own Children Is on the Ballot in 2024

Townhall Media

(Reminder: New episodes are on the podcast page, but I’ll still do promos here.)

I promised that I would find election year topics that, in my opinion, aren't being discussed a lot, enough, or at all. This week, we're discussing the fact that all of the Democrats are coming for your children. It's imperative now more than ever to be clear about how you feel about that. 


True, it is difficult to keep up with all the ways that the Left is trying to destroy the American way of life as we know (knew) it. Thankfully, I can schedule work time to stay on top of such things. I also know how to unplug so it doesn't give me an ulcer. The way they are trying to erase parents from the parent/child relationship is truly disturbing and needs more attention. 

We're going old school in this one — I even discuss writing and calling our congresspeople. 

While it's still legal. 


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