'Unwoke' Free-for-All #71: Joe Biden Wants Poor People to Starve

Townhall Media

(Reminder: Every episode is now in the Unwoke All-Access section of our podcast page. I’ll still be doing teaser blurb posts in Columns as reminders that new episodes are up.)


Kevin and I are proud to say that neither of us has been swayed by anything Paul Krugman has written about inflation not being as bad as we think it is. We're comedians, we know when the price of a Big Mac has gotten out of hand.


President LOLEightyonemillion's press puppies are out in force to tell us that we have it SO much better than our lying eyes and bank accounts are telling us. Paul Krugman is the head cheerleader, writing weekly macroeconomic lectures in The New York Times that are supposed to bore us to the point that we forget that everything costs a lot more since the Biden debacle began in January, 2021. 

We're not falling for it, professor!

There are a lot of things that political types try to make the electorate care about. The economy can be spun like a top in a lot of ways. 

Except for now. 

The average voter doesn't care about the national leading economic indicators. The only indicator that matters to Bob and Edna Voter in Omaha is how much money they have after the bills are paid. That's been problematic these last few years. The Biden administration blamed it on COVID for as long as they could, but there is nowhere for them to hide now. 


Of course, all of this hits the people who were already struggling financially the hardest. 

Sometimes, we have to talk about the serious stuff, but we try and make it fun.


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