Campus Protesters Were Prepped for Anti-Semitic Ignorance by K-12 Public Indoctrination Mills

AP Photo/Stefan Jeremiah

There is plenty of blame to go around for the anti-Semitic insanity that we've seen on America's college campuses since last October. It has been one long sobering and anger-inducing validation of the longtime concerns that conservatives have had about the ideological pollution in Academia: 


Academia is just finishing school for this kind of ignorant brain rot, however. Children who spend their K-12 years in America's public school systems are delivered to colleges with their brains ready to be weaponized with fact-free leftist ideology by commie professors. It's a holistic approach to bringing about the fundamental transformation that His High Holiness the Lightbringer Barack Obama was so fond of prattling on about.

The reason that Democrats are always pimping getting kids into Pre-K doesn't have anything to do with making sure that they get a head start on reading and writing well. In fact, I'm skeptical of every study that is cited to dupe parents into letting a stranger "teach" their four-year-old children. When I was young, kindergarten wasn't even mandatory. Long before Pre-K and K were a thing, the United States managed to send people to the moon pretty much on a dare from President John F. Kennedy. 

I first wrote about radicals from the 1960s taking over public education in America in my book "Don't Let the Hippies Shower," back in 2013. It was based on a few things from my act, so it's a humorous take, but my assessment is correct. It's easy to draw a line from your stinky neighborhood 1968 filthy hippie to elderly and tenured Professor Free Palestine in 2024. 


A lot of those radicals scrubbed up and became seemingly innocent elementary school teachers. They then went on to become teachers' union officials and the fix was in. The homepage of the National Education Association  — America's largest teachers' union — currently features its president offering a Biden-Harris campaign plug quote. 

They don't even pretend anymore. 

The unions prioritize making sure that public school kids are subjected to leftist grooming in both what they're taught, as well as what they're not taught. History has been particularly malleable in the unions' witched brew, readying young minds to be taught garbage like "socialism has never been done correctly," or, "Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians." 

The only way to end this madness is to do whatever is necessary to weaken the stranglehold that the teachers' unions have on curricula all over the country. As I've written many times, the best way to start kneecapping them is through school choice. 

Related: Republicans Should Refocus on School Choice Amid All of the Dems' Abortion Noise

We on the Right love to talk about nuking the Department of Education and starting over. That is a worthy pursuit, but it's the endgame, not the opening move. 

If we don't want history repeating itself, we are going to need to once again teach school kids actual history. The scenes we're being inundated with from Columbia University and other campuses are providing Republican candidates  with the perfect opportunity to hit the gas on school choice and not let up. 


The weed needs to be pulled out by the root or it's just going to pop up again. 

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