Democrats' Misogyny on Full Display in Attacks on Trump Supporters Katie Britt and Nancy Mace

Photo/Butch Dill

The Democrats are at it again, attacking staunchly Republican women who, as far as they're concerned, have forgotten their places. 

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) and Sen. Katie Britt (R-Ala.) are both proud supporters of former President Donald Trump's 2024 bid for the White House. The two are currently receiving the wrathful focus of the Democrats' flying monkeys in the mainstream media. Without even trying, I found three articles attacking one or both of them. Two of them were in the Opinion section of The Washington Post, so you know they're a priority among the Beltway Dem elite. 


The two successful Republican politicians have hit the triggering trifecta as far as the Dems are concerned: they're Southerners, they've wandered off of the Democratic reservation, and — QUELLE HORREUR! — they're voting for Trump. 

Rep. Mace is a rape victim and shares her story in the hope that she can encourage other victims of the horrible crime to come forward and report it. On Sunday's ABC News "This Week" show, George Stephanopoulos tried to mansplain to Mace why that means she shouldn't support Trump.

Mace gave him a verbal groin kick, which Bonchie covered over at RedState

Sen. Britt is being raked over the coals in the leftmedia for her State of the Union response last week. Here's the beginning of the smear job that The Hill posted

Sen. Katie Britt’s (R-Ala.) State of the Union response is shining a light on the GOP’s struggle to appeal to women voters ahead of November’s elections.

The rebuttal was met with an avalanche of backlash for being out of touch, with many critics calling the choice to have Britt sitting at a kitchen table for the address sexist.

The only "avalanche of backlash" is coming from the Left, where the conditions for said avalanche were in place long before the senator uttered a word last Thursday. 

The support for the premise of the article comes from a leftist women's group at Rutgers University and a guy from a rabid Never Trump organization. 


I usually find plenty of fault with the GOP's staging of these SOTU rebuttals; Britt's kitchen table setup could be considered a stroke of genius compared to what we've seen in the past. Kitchen table issues will be important in this election, and none of them favor Joe Biden. No wonder his media cheerleaders are heaping so much derision on the optics of the speech. 

By the way, the only time a State of the Union rebuttal/response gets a lot of media response is when a Democrat is president and they've got a Republican to beat up on. It's not a real ratings grabber. Anyone who's made it through watching the speech is a partisan who supports the president and won't be tuning in to the other party's response. 

In fact, nobody who isn't in media really tunes in to the response. Ever. 

Until a few years ago, Britt and Mace would have been referred to as "gender traitors" by the leftist defamation merchants. Now that they've gotten rid of gender over there, they'll need to coin a new pithy insult. 

The Democrats crow about being champions of women and people of color. In reality, the Democrats like their women like they like their minorities: unquestioning participants in a reliably obedient voting bloc. Prominent Dems have frequently defended the savage racist and misogynistic treatment of any minorities or women who dare to vote Republican. These days, they justify this behavior by saying it's really about Trump. They were treating Republican women and minorities like this long before Trump rose to political prominence, and they'll be doing it long after he's off the stage.


They're just terrible people. 

If I were a teacher, that would be my entire Intro to U.S. Government class lesson about Democrats in the 21st century.  

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