Trump Derangement Syndrome Meltdown of the Week — Special Liz Cheney Edition

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

I've decided to drop the word "Media" from the headline for this recurring column. Everyone knows where I'm finding my TDS meltdowns. 

We are only in the second week of this enterprise, and I've already chosen my first collective meltdown. 


Liz Cheney's new book — laughably titled "Oath and Honor" — is out just in time for secular non-binary holiday shoppers to snap up and never read. The leftmedia hacks are all aswoon and Cheney is being fêted on her book tour as if she were royalty. It is a collective delusion that is, of course, rooted in Trump Derangement Syndrome. All of the media TDS types who are enabling Cheney are my choice for the meltdown for last week.

Trust me, if you're looking to avoid putting on weight this holiday season, simply check out any of the mainstream media lovefests while the thankfully former congresswoman Cheney is pimping her catty tome. Ben wrote a VIP column about one last week. Any appetite you have will immediately disappear. 

Here's a recent snippet from USA Today: 

In an excerpt from Cheney’s book obtained by Axios, the former lawmaker described visiting her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, on New Year’s Day in 2021. As she left her parents’ home, her father told her “Defend the Republic, daughter.” 

My eyes practically rolled to the back of my head when I first read that. The interviews and book reviews are feeding into the delusions of grandeur that Cheney has been exhibiting the last few years. "Defend the Republic, daughter," sounds a bit made up. I doubt that even Dick Cheney speaks like that. 


Speaking of Pops, he's the reason that I think that the MSM love for Liz is a TDS meltdown. 

For almost half of a century, the name "Cheney" was spat in revulsion from the lips of Democrats and their flying monkeys in the mainstream media. Dick Cheney was the most hated Republican alive as far as the Dems were concerned. The guilt by association was a given, especially for his offspring. 

Then along came Donald Trump, and a new Public Enemy Number One took over for "Darth Cheney," as the libs like to call him. They still hated Dick, but they had a newer, louder monster in the closet to worry about. 

When Dick's little girl decided to take the Never Trump route, she became the biggest prize yet for the lefties. Once she threw in on the J6 House Soviet Select Committee on Daddy Issues for their show trial, they started treating her like a goddess.

Liz Cheney believes all of the TDS lib hype about her. When she lost the Republican primary in a state that has practically outlawed Democrats, she invoked both Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant. As I said in the Morning Briefing the next day, the speech was a mentally ill cry for help. Then I threw in this line for fun: 

At this point, I half expected our girl Liz to continue the Civil War theme by offering to torch Atlanta so she could liken herself to Sherman as well.


Absent going the Nicolle Wallace route and permanently camping out at MSNBC, Liz Cheney will one day find out that the people who are feeding her delusion now still really don't like her. If Trump gets back into office, she gets an extension. Once he's out of politics, the Democrats will have no further use for Elizabeth Cheney. The Trump tantrum that's currently making her the Belle of the Ball won't be strong enough for them to keep on pretending that they care about her. 

Should Trump not win, Cheney will no doubt take some credit for it. 

And the Left still won't like her. 

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