
The Kruiser Kabana Episode 206: Fine — I'll Be an Extremist!

(Reminder: all of the podcast episodes are now in the Kruiser Kabana section of our shiny new podcast page. I will be doing little teaser blurbs here and/or in the Morning Briefing for each new episode.)

Because we live in the dumbest of times, leftist idiots have infested some institutions that can’t afford that kind of nonsense, like the military and law enforcement. When lives are at risk, the last thing anyone needs is a wokester in charge.

The chief of the Los Angeles Police Department has recently set his sights on banning what he sees as a symbol of hatred and extremism: the pro-police blue line flag.


The monumental leap of illogic it took for this nimrod to come to that conclusion matters not. My focus in this episode is on what is and is not extremism.

Spoiler alert: the lefties have it all wrong.

This is the first Kabana episode of 2023, so Happy New Year to everyone. I’m really in the mood to have fun this year, which means fun for everyone else.



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